Thursday, October 14, 2010

Spitzer for Governor ... again

     I discovered a post on RCW today by none other than former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who is apparently going to be co-hosting his own show on CNN. It's mostly a domestic politics piece, but think he makes some good points for the future of US foreign relations and foreign policy. The article naturally has a very liberal slant, but Spitzer asks questions that neither party has given me a satisfactory answer to. What are we going to do about our unemployment? And when we fix it, what is your plan to fix all the entitlement programs that are going to run huge budget deficits over the next few decades?

     “Can we not oppose bonus bailouts and bridges to nowhere without opposing building the modern equivalent of the Erie Canal or the interstate highway system—the critical tunnel between New Jersey and New York, for instance? “

     The IR-related point of the piece is that if we fail to come up with economically sensible and fiscally feasible solutions to these problems, we will be eclipsed economically and in terms of world influence by a nation like China, India or Brazil. Not tomorrow, and not in ten years, but maybe in 20 or 25. If we can return to the can-do, nationally unified spirit that Thomas Friedman is talking about in the article Denise highlighted, and the far more centrist, reasoned debate that was American politics for most of the 20th century, we can continue to be the strongest and richest nation in the world for decades to come.

     On a separate note, Spitzer for Governor! Given the choice between a nut-job like Paladino, an abject failure like Patterson and a relatively successful former Governor and State AG who pursued white-collar crime with a vengance, hamstrung the Gotti Family in New York and just happens to be a whoremonger, I'll start a fund to pay for his high-priced hookers myself!

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